Sunday, July 15, 2018

Day 7

We woke up at 6:30 because we needed to make our breakfast and lunch because we needed to meet our guide for our services. Our boss’s name was Tom Walker and he works for the Oregon state fish and wildlife department. We were breaking up dirt that was compacted into a hard surface by heavy machinery. We used tools that are typically used in firefighting. The tools names are as follows, a Mccloud, Plousky, Buskets, and Buckets. We loosened up the dirt by using the Mccloud and Plousky so we could replant that area with native plants. We transplanted some of the vegitation from the other side of the road. As our day went on we stopped and had lunch, then we went to the Deshutes national park and met with our next Guide. We meet with Jim Elliot and he talked to us about how he joined. He took us up to the fire lookout to meet with Tony Salvino. Tony Salvino talked about the Lava flows that happened 6,700 years ago. Joey talked about how the firefinder was envented. It is still in use and will always been in years.  We traveled to the newbarry falls because Jim had setup our tour with two park tour guides. Their names where Brit and Amy. Brit and Amy are going to the same colleg. Hey both have had experience in costumer service. Brit is majoring in Tourism. Amy is majoring in forestry. Our final stop was a tunnel that was formed by lava flowing through the ground. The tunnel itself is original 13 miles long, but we had permission to walk 1 mile into the tunnel with our guides David and Ian. David has been working with the U.S. forest service for two months. Ian has been working with the U.S forest service for 3 months ish. As, we walked into the tunnel we felt a major temperature change as we enter the mouth of the tunnel. As we walked along we were talking about the tunnel and what fungus and bacteria that were growing on the tunnels roof and floor. We all were disappointed because they wouldn’t let anyone go past one mile, but only government officials are allowed.

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