Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Day 5

Today we needed to get up at 6:00 this morning because we had to make our lunch and eat breakfast before we left our campsite and come down to the Redmond airport. We meet with Annie Wittenberg at the Airport because she had sit the tour of the tour of the U.S. Forest base. Annie works for the U.S forest Service in Prineville. She went to Heritage college and graduated in 1996. We meet Our host Aaron Olmos because he has experience on what the smokejumpers needed to do and needed to be trained in when jumping.

He is a training specialist that trains the rookie smokejumpers the how to get ready for their future job as a smokejumper. Aaron went to school for structure fires so he knows what is going on in a structure fire. Aaron has been to many mandatory trainings because his required him to be trained and in good shape.Mike Gomez lives up in Oregon because he moved from his original home state and started working in firefighting. He went to college and got a degree in logistics.
He has worked with many family members of my classmates. He applied for a job at the Redmond base to be an assistant B.I.A personal. Mike also said that you need to finish a task book to
be certified.

 We got to talk to the Smokejumpers that are rookies here at the Smokejumpers base in Redmond, Oregon. Sam and Doug talked about how they got into firefighting. Sam talked about how his school did career day and his dad came in with his entire Smokejumper gear on. He raised his hand and was pointing at his dad's helmet and saying show them the visor. Doug talked about how he started working in the firefighting world. He had gone to college to learn about woodland fires. They both are rookies at the smoke jumping base that is at the Redmond airport compound. Sam and Doug wants to stay in the smoke jumping part of the firefighting because they will be the first on
the fire lines and can see what the fire is doing and call for more me.

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